Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Dog Days of Summer

Danea came home from a friends house today, holding a bag of ice and a wad of napkins to her face. I took me a second to realize that she was bleeding. She starts crying, wailing is more like it, and Tells me that her friends grandmas dog, bit her. Quick as a flash my husband is on his feet heading out the door. I go to Danea and look only to see that she has 2 punctures on her upper lip and two abrasions on each side of her neck. I looked inside her mouth and thought it went through. I decided that she needs to go to the emergency room. I look outside to fins Donny talking to some lady, who turned out to be the dogs' owner, and tell him that she needs to go to the ER. The lady tells me that she has had this dog since it was a puppy and that its never hurt anyone before. I cant even think straight. I ask what kind of dog and she replies that its a pit bull. I get her address and inform her that when I go to the Er, they will report it to the police so she needs to have all her records ready for them. Off we go to the ER. We get in pretty fast and the staff there was phenomenal! They saw her quickly, and took all my information so they could report it to the police. The nurses and Doctors were awesome. With me and Danea. It was decided that she needed at least one stitch, and of course she started to cry, but after some talk from myself and the staff, she calmed down and got through it like a champ! Her face and lip looked awful for a good few hours, only now is the swelling from the lidocaine going down. The only bad part about that is that means that its wearing off too. So the pain is coming back, and she is starting to whine. I cant blame her though and she will get a pass tonight. I can handle one night of whining, right? As far as we know tonight, the dog has had all its shots and since we have insurance, there is no out of pocket cost to us and therefore none to the dogs owner. She has called a couple times to get updates and we called her when we got everything squared away and she asked about Danea right away so we are all good there. Obviously she cares not only about her dog but also about the welfare of our daughter. Which is good!!

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