Alot has been going on these last few weeks and I have been so crazy busy. I totally have that "Up to Here" attitude. The kids are out of school, as I have said before, and the weather has been miserable. Not in the too hot way that summers can be in Minnesota, but in the it hasnt gotten above 80 degrees in 3 weeks kind of miserable. They get outside in spurts, when it's not raining. I have seen far too much X-Box and way too much spatting. My husband has been off work for two weeks, more on that later, and has gone fishing every chance he gets, which leaves me to cook and keep the kids occupied and out of trouble. I have only gotten out of the house without my kids tagging along a few times in 14 days and I am ready to pull my hair out!
I have a dog, Jasper, we call him "Jazz" He is a shi-tzu/bischon mix. I got him because he was so cute and a shed free breed. He is a great dog for the most part, but he gets this skin thing the vet has called "hot spots". It causes him to constantly lick and bite at his hind end and causes his skin to get really irritated. So, my vet suggested shaving him down and applying medicated spray directly to the areas and to use only oatmeal shampoo. Fine, so after I struggled with Jazz for a good 2 hours to get him shaved down and bathed, sprayed and calmed down, he looks like a chinese crested. Big head, I left his fur on his head, but almost naked everywhere else. I saw him shaking because he is so cold from having all his fur removed, so I ran to the local Wal-Mart to buy him a sweater, yes I said sweater... Of course I took my youngest son Dominick with me, and headed out the door. We get to the store and low and behold, no sweaters. No dog clothes of any kind. There seasonal, apparently. Grrr. I refuse to go to the specialty pet store and pay a ridiculous price for something that I feel awful about forcing my beloved Jazz to wear. So, he will have to use his doggy bed blanket for once.
Back to my husband.. He has been on a sort of lay off until the end of this week and although sometimes its nice to have him here, most of the time, I find myself mumbling under my breath about what he is or isnt doing right.. I dont think of myself as a nagging wife, but there is plenty to do around here that doesnt involve a fighing pole or pillows and the couch. I am layed off from my job through the state at the deaf school because it's summer and the kids just arent there during the summer. But I do have a part time job and am looking for another. I have heard him say that he thinks that I shouldve been looking months ago and maybe hes right, but I never anticipated him being out of work as well. I think that since I do most of the work with the kids, I should concentrate on that when I can. Also, he takes day shift so If I work, the kids either have to be alone or I have to work 2nd or 3rd shift. Forget that!
I guess that I just needed to vent a little. I really am trying to stay positive and get through this season like we do every other. I just have to keep reminding myself to Count To Ten!
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